What is the TPM 100?
Total Productivity Management (TPM) model is a tool developed by IPC for the management of the productivity structure between companies and their clients, organizations and their end-users, as well as suppliers and workers, which enables managers to effectively stimulate productivity in their lines of business in 10 areas, from Customer Satisfaction and Human Resources to Business Results. The TPM100 implementation boosts the improvement of systems and processes, and helps companies and organizations concentrate their efforts in the most value driven and profitable areas.
The TPM 100 model was designed by IPC with the intention of offering a complete answer to the complex world of productivity culture. The TPM 100 includes the best elements, theories and systems, created by Productivity Professionals in order to develop a model which unites, integrates and changes Total Productivity Management into a practical exercise, defined by specific mechanisms and based on measurable results. The TPM 100 uses continuous improvement as the way to achieve economic growth.
The Total Productivity Management model has been widely used in manufacturing, education, government and service industries. It is considered “total” as it involves all the employees of the company as well as the organization as a whole.
The TPM model is composed of three main principles, as its name suggests:
Dr Chris Egbu, IPC President, carries out the responsibility for continuous improvement of the TPM 100 model, carried out in collaboration with an international, multi-disciplinary team of experts in different areas
Why was the TPM 100 created?
The study of Total Productivity Management as an effective tool to increase sales, improve customer satisfaction and make management of resources more efficient in any company or institution, is a field which has evolved extensively in the last hundred years. From the first research on worker behavior in terms of efficiency and learning done by Lev Vygotsky and Nikolai Bernstein , to the effective management of digital companies, developed by the successful web entrepreneur and businessman Elon Musk, many and different models, theories, trends and concepts have been created.
This vast amount of ideas about Productivity obviously brings on a problem: there are too many ideas and there is not enough time for a business or institutional leader to digest all of them. Moreover, it is almost impossible to apply all the research done about Productivity in the last 100 years, especially when we are facing the fact that not all fields are useful for all organizations or companies
Therefore, IPC, as one of the most visible voices regarding Productivity Culture, took the lead by creating a compendium which includes, in an educational and pragmatic manner, the main developments, core theories and models of Productivity from a wide perspective, to offer a complete guide to continuous productivity improvement and economic growth.
This tool, IPC’s TPM 100 model, has a strong academic base, with such sources as the statistical methods of the Japanese expert Geinichi Taguchi; models about customer satisfaction and expectations from Kano-Model; and corporate methodology like Six Sigma created by Motorola and use at an international level as one of the most effective and successful Productivity Management mechanisms.
In short, the TPM 100 is a compendium of the most successful theories about Productivity, organized in a model which synthesizes the best Productivity practices that currently exist. As a result the TPM 100 model is becoming a point of reference for the continuous and accelerated success of awarded companies and organizations.